Mary Kennedy

DTN Basis Analyst
Mary Kennedy has been in the grain business for more than 35 years and has worked in the Minneapolis, Duluth-Superior and PNW markets as a buyer/merchandiser of spring and winter wheat, durum, corn, barley, pulse crops and various other small grains. She is a native of St. Paul, Minnesota, and has lived in North Dakota where she worked as a commodity buyer in local grain elevators and was a corn buyer at an ethanol plant in Wisconsin.
Mary has been a member of the North Dakota Grain Dealers Association and Minneapolis Grain Exchange and has served as the secretary of the Durum Industry Advisory Commission. She also served as a board member at the Portland Merchants Exchange and was a member of the arbitration committee at the Minneapolis Grain Exchange.
She has two sons and one daughter: Kevin, who lives in Chicago with his wife and daughter and son; Daniel, who is a Major in the U.S. Army in Kentucky with his wife and two sons; and Kelly, who resides in Minnesota with her husband and twin sons.

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    Corn, soybean and soft red winter wheat basis was steady, while hard red winter wheat and spring wheat basis was stronger Wednesday.

  • DTN Daily Basis Comments

    Corn and spring wheat basis was stronger, while soybean basis and hard red winter wheat basis was weaker and soft red winter wheat basis was steady Tuesday.

  • DTN Daily Basis Comments

    Soybean basis was weaker, while soft red winter wheat basis was stronger, and corn, hard red winter wheat, and hard red spring wheat basis was steady Thursday.

  • DTN Daily Basis Comments

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  • DTN Daily Basis Comments

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  • DTN Daily Basis Comments

    Corn and soft red winter wheat basis was steady, while soybean basis was weaker and spring wheat basis and hard red winter wheat basis was stronger Friday.

  • DTN Daily Basis Comments

    Corn, hard red winter wheat and soybean basis was stronger, while hard red spring wheat and soft red winter wheat basis was steady Friday.

  • DTN Daily Basis Comments

    Corn, soybean and hard red winter wheat basis strengthened on Friday, while soft red winter wheat basis held steady and hard red spring wheat basis weakened.

  • DTN Daily Basis Comments

    Soybean, corn, hard red winter wheat, and spring wheat basis was steady and soft red winter wheat basis was stronger Wednesday.

  • DTN Daily Basis Comments

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  • DTN Daily Basis Comments

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