Robin Schmahl

DTN Contributing Analyst
Robin Schmahl
Robin Schmahl writes a weekly dairy column for DTN and provides other dairy information. His company, AgDairy LLC, is an introducing broker, and he previously worked from 1996 to 2001 for Allendale Inc. as a commodity broker and as manager of Allendale's Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, branch. In 2001 he worked with DTN on a dairy marketing program that is no longer offered.

Robin was born and raised on a dairy farm in Elkhart Lake. After graduating from high school, he attended Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa, to study music. Robin then returned to the fourth-generation family farm in 1980 to work in partnership with his father before taking over the dairy farming operation.

Robin frequently gives speeches, writes articles and does radio commentaries on dairy topics. He lives on his active family farm with his wife and three children.

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  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures found buying interest Thursday as cash cattle traded $2.00 higher in the South. Feedlots won the victory, holding out until packers had to raise bids to get cattle on the books. Hog futures took a breather as...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Nearby live cattle futures closed slightly higher Wednesday as contracts remained close to cash. The uncertainty of cash trade makes traders cautious. Hog futures had another good day, continuing the trend higher supported by...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    The livestock complex showed another strong day Tuesday as optimism was prevalent. There is anticipation for possible better cash trade in cattle this week. Hogs continue to see short-covering as bullish fundamentals continue to...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures closed higher Monday with live cattle leading the way and outpacing feeder cattle. Traders felt the Cattle on Feed report provided sufficient support for higher prices. Hog futures extended their recent rally with...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle traders were cautious going into the weekend and the Cattle on Feed report. Beef demand is struggling. Hogs had a good Friday with contracts posting gains through August of 2025. Demand seems to have improved.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures took it on the chin Thursday, declining more than $2.00. The pressure came from Northern dressed cattle trading $2.00 lower. Hogs closed mixed, able to maintain the recent gains supported by cash and cutouts.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Live cattle futures were higher as the potential of lower cash for the week dissipated as cattle were traded in the South at steady money. Feeder cattle futures posted moderate gains except for the August contract. Hog...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures closed higher Tuesday but the interest seemed to lack conviction and rightly so due to the weakness of boxed beef and the upcoming Cattle on Feed report. Hogs finally had a strong day with nearby months...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Live cattle futures could not find sufficient buying Monday to push the market higher. The feeling is that cash may trade no better than steady this week due to boxed beef indicating slower demand. Hog futures tried to maintain...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures were higher Friday despite cash cattle continuing to trade lower. The lower cash had been factored in, leaving little reason for further downside. Hog futures closed mixed with August closing the gap between it and...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Livestock futures finally ended the liquidation phase of the week. However, that does not indicate price support has been achieved. Lower cash cattle have been factored in and hogs were overdone to the downside.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Livestock futures fell Wednesday as selling pressure continued. Cash cattle traded lower, which is now factored into the market. Hogs were unable to find support with new contract lows and spread unwinding.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Losses mounted in the livestock complex Tuesday, adding to the pressure from Monday. Cattle traders became less optimistic over near-term demand. Hog futures are unable to find support as futures continue to pancake lower.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Traders were not convinced Monday that continued higher cash will develop in the cattle market. There is concern over demand moving through the summer. Hog futures continue to see continued pressure on later contracts and new...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Both buyers and sellers of cattle dug in last week with cash trade finally taking place late Friday at mostly steady money. Hog futures were under pressure due to cash weakness.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    There has been an insufficient amount of cattle traded in the cash market to indicate price strength. The futures activity Wednesday suggests cash will trade higher as feedlots have passed on bids. Hog futures have been mixed...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures exhibited the proverbial turnaround Tuesday as futures eliminated the losses of the past two days. Boxed beef continues to increase. Hog futures showed spread trading with buyers aggressive in the August contract.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures could not find buying support Monday with traders cautious over the potential for cash cattle prices this week. A good amount of cattle were purchased for defered delivery last week. Hog futures tried to rally...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures closed under pressure Friday as cash cattle did not trade before the close of the market. Traders were uncertain of the final tally for cash trade. Hogs found support as the market may have finally found a bottom.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    The June live cattle contract continued higher Thursday and Friday is the final trading day for the contract. Later contracts drifted lower with traders uncertain of cash. Hogs settled lower ahead of the Hogs and Pigs report...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Livestock futures posted strong gains across the board Wednesday. The June live cattle contract showed the greatest gain as the contract nears expiration. There is a strong chance for higher cash this week. Hog futures...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures drifted throughout Tuesday as futures had adjusted to the higher cash last week. Traders are now trying to anticipate whether further cash gains are possible. Hog futures tried to rebound on Tuesday but ran...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Live and feeder cattle futures held up well Monday, posting gains as traders emphasized higher cash trade rather than the Cattle on Feed report numbers. Hogs found no support with new contract lows in most contracts.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Live cattle futures drifted into the close Friday as traders did not have a good handle on cash and the Cattle on Feed report was yet to be released. Cash did trade higher after the close and the report was bearish. Hogs...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Traders seem to be focused on the Cattle on Feed report to be released after the close Friday. Cash has not been established, but the few that traded may indicate packers need to pay more. Hog futures fell apart as cash...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    The markets were closed Wednesday, leaving little to determine the attitude of traders Thursday other than boxed beef, pork cutouts, and cash hogs. Cattle traders might be cautious waiting for cash and the Cattle on Feed...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures initially followed through with higher prices Monday, but contracts ran out of steam as traders were uncertain about higher cash this week. Hogs pushed higher with July as the lead month and the market finally...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Traders aggressively bought futures after higher cash for the week was confirmed by strong trading activity Friday. The June contract had to keep up with cash as it moved closer to settlement. Hog futures reversed as...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Feedlots held out and packers had to step up and pay more for the cattle they needed Thursday. Live cattle futures did an about-face from lower prices to close higher. Hog futures went in the other direction as fundamental...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cash cattle did not trade Wednesday, providing no direction for traders. Futures slipped as there was little for traders to go on besides market perceptions. Hogs finally bounced after making new lows again. It may be short-lived.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Some of the gains in cattle futures from Monday were eliminated Tuesday. Mixed boxed beef prices may keep futures mixed Wednesday and the market sideways. Hogs fell apart Tuesday with some contracts setting new contract lows...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Strong buying interest was triggered in cattle Monday as cash is anticipated to be higher this week. Traders are unaffected by further news of bird flu being discovered in Wyoming. Hogs cannot find a bottom, falling below support...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Traders had limited indication of cash cattle trade by the close of trade Friday, leaving the market mixed at the end of the day. The actual cash trade did not provide much direction to begin this week. Hog futures posted minor...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures could not find sufficient buying interest Thursday to move prices into positive territory. Traders were not convinced feedlots would receive higher prices. The liquidation in hogs may have run its course, leaving the...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Selling pressure engulfed the livestock complex Wednesday as there was little news to provide support. Cash cattle trade should surface, but traders are not as optimistic as they had been. Hogs continued to fall and may now even...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Early strength in cattle futures Tuesday waned as traders were disappointed and buying dried up. There is hesitancy over the potential for higher cash. Hogs fell apart, gapping lower and breaking technical support. Slower demand...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Live cattle futures were able to come back from the losses and close slightly higher. Feeder cattle futures closed mixed with uncertainty over price potential. Hogs tried to muster strength but could not hold closing near the...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures could not recover on Friday as lower export sales and cash weakness did not support the market. Hogs were able to close higher but not by much. Support stemmed from strong pork export sales, but could not...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures held well after China banned beef from a JBS plant in Colorado. Even though futures showed weakness, prices rebounded from the lows for a second day. Hog futures found buying interest after some contracts made...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures opened with minor weakness but fell after China announced they would not accept beef from a processing plant in Colorado. It was a knee-jerk reaction, but a cause for concern. Hogs closed with minor losses unable...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures had a cautious opening Tuesday and then struggled before finding renewed buying interest. Feeder cattle futures did not share the same sentiment, showing strength as a reaction to the Cattle on Feed report. Hogs...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    The Cattle on Feed report on Friday was somewhat neutral with the numbers near expectations. The strength of cash cattle last week may provide support to the market this week. Hog futures may see some buying interest after...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Live cattle futures spent some time in positive territory Thursday, but slipped lower into the close as positioning took place ahead of Friday's Cattle on Feed report. Hog futures are unable to find support with the steep...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle and hogs diverged Wednesday with cattle posting triple-digit gains while hogs showed triple-digit losses. Cattle futures seem to be targeting the highs from March. Hog futures may be heading to the February lows.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle are on a roll and trending higher. Higher boxed beef indicates strong demand and packers will need to supply it. Hog futures remained under pressure with lower lows again made. Cutouts continue to struggle.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures tried to make a run higher Monday but came under pressure as corn prices increased. It has been some time since higher grain prices impacted the market. Hog futures could not maintain the strength they had...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Feedlots received what they wanted as higher cash trade unfolded late last week. Both cash and boxed beef provided the support. Hogs could not find any support with new lows again as traders continued to liquidate long positions.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    The livestock complex was higher across the board Thursday. Live cattle opened higher and remained higher throughout the day as anticipation for higher cash trade increased. Hogs began lower then found strong buying interest...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures were able to post moderate gains Wednesday as traders seem to be waiting for cash activity to surface. That will determine whether live cattle will break out of its range. Hog futures closed mixed with June showing...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Livestock futures were positive across the board Tuesday as demand seemed to show signs of improving. Feeder cattle led the charge with gains of more than $4.00 effectively ending the downtrend. Hog futures closer higher, but...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    The cattle complex closed mixed Monday as traders could not settle on price direction. Feeder cattle were stronger but failed in the attempt to turn the market higher. Hogs could not hold early strength as demand concerns...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Steady cash cattle trade could not push futures higher, leaving live cattle in a sideways trading pattern for the week and feeder cattle in a downtrend. Hog futures have been unable to find solid support at which traders would...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Livestock could not find any support Thursday with some weakness due to lower export sales than the previous week. Some pressure also came from lower product values.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Live cattle continue to chop sideways while feeder cattle are trending lower. The anticipation for cash trade week has become less optimistic. Hog futures had a nice turnaround from the lows, but the buying interest failed to...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Livestock futures were higher Tuesday with hog futures showing minor gains while cattle showed mostly triple-digit gains. Some optimism showed over improved demand with strong product prices on Monday. Traders felt a little better...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Live cattle futures had minimal losses in contracts Monday, other than the front-month June. Feeder cattle were under more pressure with triple-digit losses. Hog futures could not find sufficient buying interest to move futures...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    The cattle complex closed the week mixed with June live cattle and nearby feeder cattle futures lower. Hog futures could not hold their head above water, ending a dismal second half of the week.

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Cattle futures received positive news from numerous avenues Thursday, pushing contracts higher. Maybe traders can put the avian flu concerns behind them for now. Hog futures struggled throughout Thursday, resulting in a mixed...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    The news of the avian flu in cattle is running rampant with numerous articles detailing concerns about the impacts this may have on people if it becomes more widespread. Cattle futures sunk Wednesday under the weight of these...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    The cattle complex came under substantial pressure Tuesday, mainly from the concern over testing ground beef to see whether there is any evidence of the H5N1 virus. The uncertainty triggered the liquidation of futures. Hog...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Live cattle futures slowly eroded throughout Monday sd traders didn't have anything to latch onto. Feeder cattle futures made a higher high before slipping back on price uncertainty. Hogs seemed to have ended the liquidation...

  • DTN Early Word Livestock Comments

    Steady to higher cash cattle last week provided the support futures needed to close higher. This may give traders further confidence to buy into the market. Hogs futures fell back eliminating the past week's gains as liquidation...