
  • Ag Weather Forum

    Hazy smoke can be seen from wildfires originating in the Northwest U.S. and Canadian Rockies (circled in yellow). (Imagery courtesy of College of DuPage)
    Posted by John Baranick , DTN Meteorologist

    Hot and dry conditions in Western Canada have led to extensive wildfires across the Canadian Rockies and northern woodlands, spreading thick smoke across not just the Canadian Prairies but also deep into the U.S. A system that moved in this week is doing its best to help put...

  • Market Matters Blog

    DTN's weekly spot price for domestic distillers dried grains for the week ended July 25 is down $2 per ton on average versus one week ago. (DTN file photo)
    Posted by Mary Kennedy , DTN Basis Analyst

    DTN's weekly average spot price for domestic distillers dried grains is down $2 versus one week ago.

  • Ethanol Blog

    The USDA heard from several biofuels groups on a request for information on the 45Z Clean Fuels Production Credit this week. (DTN file photo by Chris Clayton)
    Posted by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor

    Biofuels interests groups submitted comments to the USDA outlining ways to make it more practical for farmers to take advantage of the 45Z Clean Fuels Production Credit.

  • Canada Markets

    (DTN graphic by Nick Scalise; photos by Elaine Shein)

    Warmer conditions over the past week advanced crop growth. With recent rainfall events, precipitation accumulation in most areas has exceeded 135 percent of normal precipitation since May 1.

  • Fundamentally Speaking

    Chart by Joel Karlin, DTN Contributing Analyst

    Average, minimum and maximum percent change in corn yields for the top 18 producing states and the U.S. between the August crop report and the final production figures given in January vs. the standard deviation of these 24 August to January percent yield revisions.

  • An Urban's Rural View

    The food-stamp program accounts for more than 75 percent of farm-bill spending. House Republicans propose chopping a provision of the 2018 bill allowing presidents to boost spending on food stamps; instead, they'd take $30 billion from SNAP over 10 years and devote the money to richer benefits for farmers. (USDA, Economic Research Service chart)
    Posted by Urban C Lehner , Editor Emeritus

    House Republicans and Democrats are deeply divided over food-stamp benefits. That division is one of the obstacles to passing a farm bill this year.

  • Sort & Cull

    Slower chain speeds are expected in July, but with cattle possessing heavier carcass weights, one does have to wonder if supply pressures could become an issue later this fall. (DTN file photo by Jim Patrico)

    Packer have drastically cut chain speeds to try to keep the cash cattle market from rallying and to hopefully add some support to boxed beef prices, but with today's cattle possessing heavier carcass weights than a year ago, feedlots could see some supply pressures later...

  • Production Blog

    Want to know the potential return on investment of a fungicide application in corn? There's a new app for that and another on fungicide efficacy available free and online. (DTN file photo)
    Posted by Pamela Smith , Crops Technology Editor

    Plant pathologists are urging corn farmers to scout diligently for tar spot, but to be judicious in fungicide use.

  • Ag Policy Blog

    Policymakers are talking as though another extension of the 2018 is inevitable. Meanwhile, there is a growing risk of a steeper downturn in farm income while a lot of potential improvements to the farm-safety net would have to wait until at least 2026 to provide some relief. (DTN file image)
    Posted by Chris Clayton , DTN Ag Policy Editor

    There is a lot of angst about farm income right now, but policymakers already seem to accept that another one-year extension of the 2018 farm bill is unavoidable. If a farm bill doesn't get done this year, then there is no chance to have a better safety net in 2025. The...

  • Technically Speaking

    This is a daily chart of November soybeans futures, showing momentum indicators oversold. (DTN ProphetX chart)

    Markets seem to get overdone to the upside and the downside. Following the recent bearish slide in corn and especially soybeans and wheat prices, it is difficult to talk about anything other than the following.

  • South America Calling

    Corn harvest in southern Brazil has been slow, but next week's forecast is more promising. (DTN photo by Teresa Wells)
    Posted by Teresa Wells , DTN Meteorologist

    Soaking rains last week and this week brought the safrinha (second-season) corn harvest to a halt in southern Brazil with states like Sao Paulo making almost no progress. It is much the opposite in central Brazil, where progress is steady thanks to drier and warmer...

  • MachineryLink

    The Space Weather Prediction Center has issued a watch for a minor-level geomagnetic storm this weekend (DTN image courtesy of the Space Weather Prediction Center)

    The Space Weather Prediction Center has issued a minor-level geomagnetic storm watch for this weekend. A storm of this intensity will have little to no impact on farming guidance systems.

  • Editors' Notebook

    A little digging this time of year can help provide the visual clues that soybean cyst nematode females are feeding on soybean roots. (DTN photo by Pamela Smith)
    Posted by Pamela Smith , Crops Technology Editor

    There's a lot to know about soybean's biggest yield adversary. Here are some fast and fun facts about soybean cyst nematode (SCN).

  • Minding Ag's Business

    Changes to the rules surrounding livestock risk protection insurance have made it easier and more affordable to access in recent years. (DTN file photo by Jim Patrico)

    On Friday, June 14, DTN will host a webinar examining the cattle market's long-term outlook and how producers can use livestock risk protection insurance to protect their business from downside market risk.

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