Equity holders for Richardton, North Dakota,-based Red Trail Energy LLC's ethanol plant approved the sale of the company to Gevo Inc., a company that plans to produce sustainable aviation fuel at the plant.
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by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
Nebraska Ethanol Board Vice Chairman Scott McPheeters addressed a group of agriculture journalists last week during an Agricultural Communicators Network workshop in Omaha.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
Two members of Congress this week asked the IRS to provide needed tax guidance to biofuels producers and others who are planning to claim the 45Z Clean Fuels Production tax credit, as time is running out on the blenders tax credit for biodiesel and renewable diesel.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
With the future of the 45Z Clean Fuels Production Credit in question, biofuels and agriculture interest groups have asked leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate to pass a one-year extension of the 40A blenders tax credit.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
Republican Sen. John Thune of South Dakota was elected as the next Senate majority leader on Wednesday, giving the ethanol industry what it says is a strong leader for biofuels issues.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
Florida resident Royce Gillham pleaded guilty to wire fraud and filing false claims, after a federal investigation found he claimed to have generated more than $7 million in fraudulent biofuels tax credits.
by Chris Clayton , DTN Ag Policy Editor
Nearly 60% of South Dakota voters rejected a referendum, Referred Law 21, that was meant to validate a new law detailing how counties and state officials would oversee permitting for carbon pipelines. Landowner groups aggressively campaigned on the referendum and won.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
The California Air Resources Board this week announced a new partnership with major airlines, to accelerate the use of sustainable aviation fuel on in-state flights.SUMMARY: The California Air Resources Board this week announced a new partnership with major airlines, to...
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom directed the California Air Resources Board to take steps to allow E15 sales in the state.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency filed a motion in federal court this week to remand 2023 agency action to deny 26 small-refinery exemptions to the Renewable Fuel Standard.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
The Supreme Court on Monday granted certiorari to refiners who have challenged the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's rejection of small-refinery exemptions to the Renewable Fuel Standard. Because the question of proper court venue is split between several appeals courts...
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
The Renewable Fuels Association on Wednesday told the California Air Resources Board that proposed changes to the state's low-carbon fuel standard could be harmful to ethanol.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
Chevron Renewable Energy Group announced it has invested in Terviva Inc., a California-based company that has developed technology to grow pongamia trees for biofuels production.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
A bipartisan group of federal lawmakers introduced legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday to allow permanent sales of E15 nationally.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
A group of biodiesel producers said the industry is in danger of shutdown unless the Biden administration provides at least temporary immediate guidance and safe harbor on the 45Z tax credit.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
Agricultural cooperative GROWMARK has purchased a stake in ethanol producer Big River Resources, one of the nation's largest producers at 435 million gallons annually.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
Growth Energy alleges the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit erred in reversing the Biden administration's denial of 105 small-refinery exemptions, asking the court for a rehearing on the case.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
More than 50 groups including agriculture and biofuels interests joined a coalition of industries in challenging the Biden administration's tailpipe emissions standards that they say illegally targets the elimination of liquid fuels.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
A bipartisan group of lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives last week asked U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to finalize guidance for the 45Z Clean Fuel Production tax credit by Jan. 1, 2025, to include domestic feedstock provisions.
by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor
Biofuels groups filed public comments in response to California's proposed amendments to the low-carbon fuel standard.
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- Market Matters Blog by DTN Staff
- Technically Speaking by DTN Staff
- Sort & Cull by DTN Staff
- Fundamentally Speaking by Joel Karlin
- Canada Markets by DTN Staff
- Production Blog by Pam Smith
- Ethanol Blog by DTN Staff
- Ag Policy Blog by Chris Clayton
- South America Calling by DTN Staff
- An Urban's Rural View by Urban Lehner
- MachineryLink by Dan Miller
- Editors' Notebook by Greg D.Horstmeier