Our Rural Roots
How we talk about ourselves and others matters. Be strong in consideration of yourself.
A weak La Nina is in the driver's seat for the winter pattern. But there are other items to consider, as well.
Ask the Mechanic
Steve Thompson answers readers' questions about all things mechanical.
Our Rural Roots
The death of a loved one often brings on the urgency of storytelling to prevent us from forgetting our familial foundations constructed from factual, yet colorful, recollections of the past.
Ask the Mechanic
Steve Thompson answers readers' questions about all things mechanical.
Family Business Matters
Chances are that somewhere in your future, your business will experience an ending, split or dissolution. You may not want to think about the inevitability of an exit, but being prepared can be instrumental for positive family relationships.
Ask the Vet
Dr. Ken McMillan responds to a readers' questions about farm veterinary issues.