Our Rural Roots
September sometimes feels like an underrated month, a quiet, calmer atmosphere. It's the month that feels more like a fresh start and a new year than January.
Family Business Matters
Dedication is often expected, and prized, on farms and ranches. But, overdedication can have mental and physical consequences and cause one to keep pursuing a business in decline.
Ask the Mechanic
Steve Thompson answers readers' questions about all things mechanical.
We'd Like To Mention
Equipment manufacturers are working to fulfill farmers' dreams of tractors that drive themselves. The road to full automation on a large scale, however, will be long and bumpy.
Ask the Mechanic
Steve Thompson answers readers' questions about all things mechanical.
Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump has outlined a few tax items he wants to see if reelected.
Ask the Mechanic
Steve Thompson answers readers' questions about all things mechanical.