Canada Markets

Primary Elevator Stocks increase in Week 2

Cliff Jamieson
By  Cliff Jamieson , Canadian Grains Analyst
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Primary elevator stocks on the Prairies increased from week 1 to week 2, the first increase in six weeks, linked to early harvest activity. Elevator stocks across the three prairie provinces range from 21.5% below average for this week in Alberta to 23.3% below average in Saskatchewan. (DTN graphic by Cliff Jamieson)

The week 2 Grain Statistics Weekly shows primary elevator grain stocks increasing for the first time in six weeks during the week ending Aug. 14. Grain stocks across the four provinces increased by 50,300 metric tons (mt) over the week to 1.8578 million metric tons (mmt), which is 22.7% lower than the five-year average of 2.403 mmt for this week.

When the three prairie provinces are compared to their respective five-year average, stocks are down 22.01% in Manitoba, down 23.3% from average in Saskatchewan and down 21.5% in Alberta. While not evident on the chart, the 9,100 mt of inventory in British Columbia is 43.9% below average.

Space going into harvest remains good. When the estimated working capacity is considered for each province, as estimated by the Grain Marketing Program, Manitoba stocks account for 33.4% of capacity, Saskatchewan at 35.7% of capacity, Alberta at 31.3% of capacity, B.C. at 34% and total grain stocks account for just 33.9% of estimated working capacity. This percentage has gone down in Manitoba and British Columbia during the past week, while is higher for Saskatchewan and Alberta during the past week. The prairie total has increased from 33% to 33.9% of estimated working capacity.

Cliff Jamieson can be reached at

Follow him on Twitter @Cliff Jamieson


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