Ag Policy Blog

USDA Rolls Out New Website for Young and Beginning Farmers

Chris Clayton
By  Chris Clayton , DTN Ag Policy Editor
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I was in D.C. this week ant got to spend some time with some farmer leaders who were recognized as champions for sustainable agriculture. One of the topics of conversation throughout that nearly daylong event was beginning farmers.

Where do you find resources for people trying to get into agriculture?

USDA somewhat answered that question for us on Thursday with the announcement of a new website,

According to the roll out of the website, it was designed based on feedback from new and beginning farmers from around the country. The site has links for new farmers, women in ag, youth and military veterans to detail some considerations farmers need to think about when going into farming. The site provides different topics or issues a person needs to consider when getting into farming. The website also has a discovery tool to help answer some questions for people just beginning to look at what it might take to go into farming in a particular state or sector.…

“Today’s announcement is symbolic of the evolution of USDA’s efforts to better serve the next generation of farmers and ranchers. What began seven years ago with the recognition that the rapid aging of the American farmer was an emerging challenge, has transformed into a robust, transparent, tech-based strategy to recruit the farmers of the future,” said Krysta Harden, USDA's deputy secretary. “No matter where you’re from, no matter what you look like, no matter your background, we want USDA to be the first stop for anyone who is looking to be a part of the story and legacy of American agriculture.”

In announcing the new website, USDA also stated that the department has a goal of increasing the percentage of enrollment for beginning farmer and ranchers across some key USDA programs. The goal is to boost participation by 6.6% to help those new and beginning farmers tap into roughly $5.6 billion over the next two years.

Harden made the announcement at the national Future Farmers of America convention in Louisville, Ky.

The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition praised the new website. Juli Obudzinksi, NSAC's senior policy specialist, said the website "should win an award for accessible, user-friendly assistance from what has sometimes been a difficult to access bureaucratic minefield for those seeking help in getting started in agriculture. As we as a nation try to promote increased economic opportunity in agriculture, this new tool is a most welcome addition and a great advance on anything USDA has offered heretofore."

Outside of USDA, another place to look for information is the National Young Farmers Coalition website.……

Follow me on Twitter @ChrisClaytonDTN


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11/3/2017 | 3:06 PM CDT
Everything is going digital. So, farmers also need to go digital. Instead of waiting for customers, they need to start selling online by creating their own website. For that they can contact any digital web design auckland agency and ask for the website. How farmers can go online, check this blog out:
11/12/2015 | 9:51 AM CST
A penny saved is a penny earned. A stich in time saves nine. Stupid is as stupid does. How many other sayings would you like.
andrew mohlman
11/10/2015 | 12:07 PM CST
Craig it has been said it takes one to know one
11/9/2015 | 10:15 AM CST
Andrew I don't think you need non farmers help to do that.
andrew mohlman
11/6/2015 | 1:12 PM CST
Nothing I can usually can tell non farmers cause they try to make me out a fool.
11/6/2015 | 11:36 AM CST
I work at a little place in Billings, MT designing and installing pump systems for residential, farm irrigation and stock pipelines. We also do T-L pivots, install livestock waterers, repair pumps, wheelines and traveling reels for irrigation. What else do you need?
andrew mohlman
11/5/2015 | 12:25 PM CST
No I expose people who are not farmers to find out what they think still don't know what you do craig
11/4/2015 | 1:50 PM CST
Kinda sound like a politician there, Andrew. Listen to what I mean and not what I say, is that what you just typed to me?
andrew mohlman
11/3/2015 | 12:10 PM CST
Craig I have farmed 20+ years and yes my punctuation sucks but my focus is on the message what is going on is not what it might seem
11/3/2015 | 10:14 AM CST
Andrew, work on the punctuation and try for coherent sentences. And I have been working with farmers and ranchers for 34 years, got sent out to the grandparents farm for my summer vacations until I got out of high school and this site is one of the many I review to keep up with what is going on. And just what do you do?
andrew mohlman
11/3/2015 | 7:44 AM CST
Just what do you do Craig I don't think you grasp what I mean must not be a farmer negative return and lost capital will not work sorry if you do not understand
10/30/2015 | 10:29 AM CDT
Am I the only one that thinks Andrew should post only when he is sober?
andrew mohlman
10/30/2015 | 8:54 AM CDT
What good will it be if there is not a profit possible seems younger will need better prices sorry if you drive and eat you will pay some day only putting it off cheating farmers