
  • South America Calling

    The rainfall forecast through Sept. 8 in South America does not indicate many areas having significant amounts over the driest areas of either Argentina or Brazil. (DTN graphic)
    Posted by John Baranick , DTN Meteorologist

    Soil conditions are awfully dry to start out the 2024-25 campaign in much of Argentina and Brazil. The weather pattern during the next couple of weeks is not favorable for very many down there.

  • Market Matters Blog

    DTN's weekly spot price for domestic distillers dried grains for the week ended Aug. 29 is unchanged on average versus one week ago. (DTN file photo)
    Posted by Mary Kennedy , DTN Basis Analyst

    DTN's weekly average spot price for domestic distillers dried grains is steady versus one week ago.

  • Ag Policy Blog

    Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen on Thursday at a local beef retail store in West Point, Nebraska, to sign an executive order banning state agencies from buying lab-grown meat products. On the left are Hannah Klitz, who owns the store with her husband, and cattle producer Jeanne Reigle. On Pillen's right is Sherry Vinton, director of the Nebraska Department of Agriculture. (Photo courtesy of Nebraska Governor's Office)

    Nebraska's governor has signed an executive order banning state agencies from buying lab-grown protein products and create a new rule to add more labels for those products. Three other states have either banned the sale of lab-grown meats or added similar restrictions.

  • Ethanol Blog

    Biofuels groups say California's proposed amendments to the low-carbon fuel standard fail to give credit to farmers for on-farm practices to reduce carbon emissions. (DTN file photo by Chris Clayton)
    Posted by Todd Neeley , DTN Environmental Editor

    Biofuels groups filed public comments in response to California's proposed amendments to the low-carbon fuel standard.

  • Fundamentally Speaking

    Chart by Joel Karlin, DTN Contributing Analyst
    Posted by Joel Karlin , DTN Contributing Analyst

    Old crop soybean sales and shipments as a percent of the August old crop export estimate vs. new crop sales as a percent of the August new crop export estimate, both as of the third week in August.

  • Ag Weather Forum

    The weather forecast for the fall season is calling for above-normal temperatures and below-normal precipitation across the vast majority of the country. (DTN graphics)

    Overall weather conditions for much of the country's Corn Belt should be relatively warm and dry. That is good news for those ready to harvest, but may not be what all folks need. La Nina is forecast to make an appearance and could disrupt that pattern, as well.

  • Sort & Cull

    Both the live cattle and feeder cattle markets closed notably higher Monday afternoon, which was surprising following Friday's bearish Cattle on Feed report. (DTN ProphetX Chart)

    There are still a plethora of external pressures looming overhead of the cattle complex, but maybe, just maybe, the market showed some effort and desire to press onward as Monday's market closed with higher prices.

  • Editors' Notebook

    The cover of the August issue of Progressive Farmer shows some of the people we have profiled in our Voices for Agriculture special package. (DTN/Progressive Farmer image)
    Posted by Elaine Shein , DTN/Progressive Farmer Associate Content Manager

    One person can make a difference as an advocate for a worthy cause. No one is too young or too old to make a difference and be a Voice for Agriculture.

  • An Urban's Rural View

    The U.S. will have an industrial policy in support of manufacturing regardless of which candidate wins the presidency this November. But it won't be the same policy.
    Posted by Urban C Lehner , Editor Emeritus

    Different versions of industrial policy can have very different implications for agriculture.

  • Technically Speaking

    This is a daily chart of November soybeans, showing an extreme oversold condition and trading just above Friday's contract low. (DTN ProphetX chart)
    Posted by Dana Mantini , Senior Market Analyst

    November soybeans have been battered and beaten up. The market was already reeling when USDA came up with one million additional acres of soybeans planted and a record yield of 53.2 bpa. In the past few weeks, soybeans have registered new contract lows as funds reveled in...

  • Canada Markets

    (DTN graphic by Nick Scalise; photos by Elaine Shein)

    For Alberta, in the provincial early yield estimates, regional dryland crop yield estimates are at or below the 5- and 10-year averages, with the exception of a higher-than-average yield expectation reported for the South Region as of July 30. In Saskatchewan, as of July 29, the...

  • Production Blog

    See those little white dots? They are soybean cyst nematode females feeding on soybean roots. Time to grab a shovel and dig to see if they are enjoying at meal at your expense. (DTN photo by Pamela Smith)
    Posted by Pamela Smith , Crops Technology Editor

    It takes 4 to 6 weeks after planting for SCN females to begin appearing on soybean root surfaces. It is an early clue that you need to do more testing.

  • MachineryLink

    The Space Weather Prediction Center has issued a watch for a minor-level geomagnetic storm this weekend (DTN image courtesy of the Space Weather Prediction Center)

    The Space Weather Prediction Center has issued a minor-level geomagnetic storm watch for this weekend. A storm of this intensity will have little to no impact on farming guidance systems.

  • Minding Ag's Business

    Changes to the rules surrounding livestock risk protection insurance have made it easier and more affordable to access in recent years. (DTN file photo by Jim Patrico)

    On Friday, June 14, DTN will host a webinar examining the cattle market's long-term outlook and how producers can use livestock risk protection insurance to protect their business from downside market risk.

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