Your Farm
Voices for Agriculture: Michael O'Gorman
Michael O'Gorman is the founder of the Farmer Veteran Coalition.
Voices for Agriculture: Amanda Radke
Amanda Radke's voice adds value to rural life.
Voices for Agriculture: Gabe Brown
Gabe Brown is a voice for regenerative agriculture.
Voices for Agriculture: P.J. Haynie III
P.J. Haynie tells the Black farmer story.
Handy Devices
Easy-to-build ideas make your work easier. Readers send in helpful solutions to farm and ranch problems.
Handy Devices
Easy-to-build ideas make your work easier. Readers send in helpful solutions to farm and ranch problems.
Voices for Agriculture: Schools Adopt a Farmer
Oregon farmers and ranchers have a unique opportunity to become Voices for Agriculture through Oregon Aglink's Adopt a Farmer program.