Your Farm


  • Michael O'Gorman (Susanna Frohman)

    Voices for Agriculture: Michael O'Gorman

    Michael O'Gorman is the founder of the Farmer Veteran Coalition.

  • Amanda Radke (Photo courtesy of Amanda Radke)

    Voices for Agriculture: Amanda Radke

    Amanda Radke's voice adds value to rural life.

  • Gabe Brown poses with his book "Dirt to Soil." (Des Keller)

    Voices for Agriculture: Gabe Brown

    Gabe Brown is a voice for regenerative agriculture.

  • P.J. Haynie III (Jim Patrico)

    Voices for Agriculture: P.J. Haynie III

    P.J. Haynie tells the Black farmer story.

  • To keep bits that go with a drill together, bit containers are attached to the case containing the drill. (Illustration by Ray E. Watkins Jr.)

    Handy Devices

    Easy-to-build ideas make your work easier. Readers send in helpful solutions to farm and ranch problems.

  • Ramp Pulley (Illustration by Ray E. Watkins Jr.)

    Handy Devices

    Easy-to-build ideas make your work easier. Readers send in helpful solutions to farm and ranch problems.

  • Marinus Noordam of AJ Dairy in Mount Angel, Oregon, hosts seventh-grade students on a field trip to learn about all aspects of dairy farming from raising calves to how milk is collected and processed. Here he allows the students from Victor Point School in Silverton, Oregon, to feel the gentle vacuum suction pulsation inside the shell of the milking machine before the students see how it is used on cows in the milking parlor. (Photo courtesy of Oregon Aglink)

    Voices for Agriculture: Schools Adopt a Farmer

    Oregon farmers and ranchers have a unique opportunity to become Voices for Agriculture through Oregon Aglink's Adopt a Farmer program.