Production Blog

Chance to Tell Your Farm Story

Pamela Smith
By  Pamela Smith , Crops Technology Editor
Connect with Pamela:
DTN View From the Cab farmers hail from a wide geography and provide give more than a snapshot of life of the farm throughout the season. Some of our past contributors include (top left to right): Ashley Andersen, Scott Wallis, Genny Haun, (bottom l to r) Kyle Krier, Kellie Blair, Ryan Wieck. (DTN file photos)

DECATUR, Ill. (DTN) -- We need two farmers with opinions. Do you like to talk farming, agronomics, rural life? Here's your chance to do it on a national platform.

For the past 16 years, DTN has followed farmers from two different regions of the country throughout the growing season. Now we're looking for farmer volunteers for the 2022 View From the Cab feature.

Ryan Wieck has never been shy about expressing himself. But when Wieck, from Umbarger, Texas, held his hand up to be a View From the Cab farmer last year, it expanded his voice and outreach.

"I was amazed how many people contacted me from all over the country to comment on something I'd said. It gave me a chance to tell the story of our farm, our region and our crops," said Wieck.

Each week throughout the growing season, View From the Cab farmers report what's happening and explore different aspects of agriculture. A DTN reporter interviews the farmers each week and files the combined story.

Farmers often comment that real life on the farm isn't told. This diary-like feature bridges that gap between news and everyday farm life.

Kellie Blair, the other contributor last season, provided an early look at anhydrous supply concerns and how it altered operations on her Dayton, Iowa, family farm. Last year, View From the Cab zeroed in on what it is like to have your farm glowing red on the Drought Monitor. Direct beef sales, rural infrastructure, balancing children and farming, the difficulty in finding parts and many other topics bubbled into print.

Many of these farmers go on to be trusted advisers and help on other DTN writing projects.

Do you have a story to tell? Simply email a note (to saying why you want to be a View From the Cab contributor and a bit about your farm. Include your contact information.

Here are our past View From the Cab contributors:

2021: Kellie Blair, Dayton, Iowa; Ryan Wieck, Umbarger, Texas

2020: Ryan Jenkins, Jay, Florida; Reid Thompson, Colfax, Illinois

2019: Ashley Andersen, Blair, Nebraska; Scott Wallis, Princeton, Indiana

2018: Kyle Krier, Claflin, Kansas; Genny Haun, Kenton, Ohio

2017: Zack Rendel, Miami, Oklahoma; Brent and Lisa Judisch, Cedar Falls, Iowa

2016: Chase Brown, Warrensburg, Illinois; Jim Hoover, Newport, Pennsylvania

2015: Lane Robinson, Cromwell, Indiana; Leon Kriesel, Gurley, Nebraska

2014: Karen and Bill Johnson, Avoca, Iowa; Jamie Harris, Madison, Florida

2013: William "Shep" Sheppard, Louisiana, Missouri; Kane Bercaw, Union City, Michigan

2012: Katie Sanger Hancock, Water Valley, Kentucky; Ryan Brodersen, Randolph, Nebraska

2011: Tom Tibbits, Minneapolis, Kansas; David Brandt, Carroll, Ohio

2010: Becton Bell, Wilson, Arkansas; Frank Zweber, Hoven, South Dakota

2009: Marcus Hess, Bushnell, Illinois; Matt Wolle, St. James, Minnesota

2008: Dan Pedersen, Underwood, Iowa; Brad Lindstrom, Varna, Illinois

2007: Matt Rush, Fairfield, Illinois; Jason Heijl, Abbott, Texas

2006: Bob Worth, Lake Benton, Minnesota; Keith Miller, Great Bend, Kansas

2005: Richard Oswald, Langdon, Missouri; Mark Rasumssen, Hoagland, Montana.

To check out some past View From the Cab stories go to:… and…

Pamela Smith can be reached at

Follow her on Twitter @PamSmithDTN


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