DTN's weekly average spot price for domestic distillers dried grains is higher versus one week ago.
DTN's weekly average spot price for domestic distillers dried grains is higher versus one week ago.
CME announced the resetting of price limits for grain and oilseed futures as of Nov. 1, 2024; its variable price-limit mechanism enacted in March 2014, resets price limits every six months in each of the CBOT grain and oilseed contracts.
The Mississippi River at Memphis and other spots in the Lower Mississippi River continue to fall without much long-term relief in sight.
U.S. Wheat Associates recently published a first look at results of the U.S. 2024 soft red and hard red winter wheat crops, noting that both crops overall were good quality for bakers and exporters.
DTN's weekly average spot price for domestic distillers dried grains is slightly higher versus one week ago.
Hurricane Helene provided some relief to the Lower Mississippi River, but with the return of dry conditions, water levels are expected to drop.
DTN's weekly average spot price for domestic distillers dried grains is higher versus one week ago.
Dockworkers on strike at 36 U.S. ports have a tentative agreement, temporarily suspending the port strike.
At 12:01 a.m. EDT on Oct. 1, members of the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) walked off the job at 36 ports East Coast and Gulf ports.
In less than 24 hours, the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) could be going on strike at East Coast and Gulf Ports as their contract with the United States Maritime Alliance, Ltd., expires at midnight, Sept. 30, 2024.
Many mayors from towns along the Mississippi River gathered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Sept. 18 as part of the Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative's 13th annual meeting.
Fears are increasing that the ILA and USLX will likely not reach an agreement on their current contract that expires Sept. 30, 2024, opening the door for a strike on Oct. 1, 2024.
As the Southern harvest progresses, it won't be long before harvest picks up farther north, and low river water levels are not a welcome sight currently.
As the Southern harvest progresses, it won't be long before harvest picks up farther north, and low river water levels are not a welcome sight currently.
DTN's weekly average spot price for domestic distillers dried grains is down $1 versus one week ago.
Summary: After Canada's Federal Labour Minister MacKinnon formally rejected calls from CN for binding arbitration, both the CN and CPKC railways are preparing to lock out union workers in four days.
DTN's weekly average spot price for domestic distillers dried grains is down $1 versus one week ago.
A decision handed down by the Canada Industrial Relations Board opened the door for a lockout or strike if the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Kansas City railways could not come to a contract agreement with the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference.
The possibility of a rail strike in Canada by over 9,200 CN and CPKC workers still hangs in limbo until the Canadian Industrial Relations Board makes a final decision on failed negotiations by all parties to date.
DTN's weekly average spot price for domestic distillers dried grains is down $1 versus one week ago.