Ethanol Blog

Spot Biodiesel Prices Hold Steady in Quiet Trade Week

Myke Feinman
By  Myke Feinman , Refined Fuels Reporter

Spot biodiesel values are flat this morning, holding near unchanged throughout the week in thin markets.

"Holiday weeks typically start with normal interest then fade as (the) week goes on," a trade source said. "A lot of people are taking an extended weekend." Other sources agree.

"The industry is kind of in a holding pattern," commented Jerrod Kitt, strategist for the Linn Group, Chicago, Illinois, referring to industry awaiting legislative action on the renewal of the expired $1 gallon blender's credit. "Other than that it's kind of business as usual."

The latest bid/ask range this morning was $3.65 to $3.75 per gallon for Soy methyl ester biodiesel at both Chicago and New York Harbor, flat on the session and week. Houston SME B100 biodiesel were pegged at $3.65 per gallon, unchanged for the session and week.

Myke Feinman can be reached at


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