Canada Markets

Saskatchewan Crop Condition Ratings Lower

Cliff Jamieson
By  Cliff Jamieson , Canadian Grains Analyst
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This chart shows the trend in the good-to-excellent crop rating for select Saskatchewan crops over the past month. Of the crops shown, the soybean condition is the only crop to show improvement, while the durum condition has shown the greatest deterioration. (DTN graphic by Cliff Jamieson)

This week's Saskatchewan Crop Report as of June 26 shows the crop condition lower for almost all crops.

The bi-weekly condition evaluation shows the soybean crop condition increasing by two points to 94% Good-to-Excellent over the past two weeks, the only crop of the 14 reported to show improvement while having the highest rating shown for all crops.

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Another crop of interest is chickpeas, where the crop condition fell from 100% G/E to 64% G/E over the first two weeks of June, while stabilizing to be reported unchanged at 64% at the end of June.

All other crops showed deterioration over the last two weeks of June. This ranges from a five-point drop for winter wheat to 64% G/E, while the durum rating fell by 30 points over the past two weeks to 42% G/E. While there is no comparable data available for the same week in 2022, the durum rating for this week in 2021 saw the durum rating slightly higher at 45% G/E. While not shown, the crop condition for mustard fell by an even greater amount over the past two weeks, down 43 percentage points to 31% G/E.

Of the largest crops, the spring wheat condition has fallen by 11 points over the past two weeks to 70% G/E. This compares to 58% G/E for the same week in 2021. The canola rating also fell by 11 points to 66% G/E, well above the 38% G/E shown for the same week in 2021.

Crops will continue to be tested with above-average temperatures continuing into the weekend with only isolated showers seen in the seven-day forecast.

Cliff Jamieson can be reached at

Follow him on Twitter @Cliff Jamieson

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