

  • David Crow (left) and son, Matt, added paddocks and barbed wire to make their grazing program fit the operation. (Courtesy of NCBA)

    Commonsense Grazing System Banks Grass

    Commonsense system plus smart brush control benefits cattle and wildlife.

  • When talking about the beef business, Tucker Brown leans on what he learned in ranch-management programs and real life. (AG Gear, Courtesy of Tucker Brown)

    Texas Rancher Shares Beef's Story With Millions

    Humor and education help this Texas rancher share beef's story with millions.

  • Florida's Matt Pearce says early weaning first-calf heifers helps him put more money per calf in his pocket come sale time. (Becky Mills)

    Everything Depends on Timing When Early Weaning

    Consider feed, health supplies and calf care under this production system.

  • Billy Glenn Turpin (left) and Scott Turpin condensed their 90-day calving season into just 60 days. (Becky Mills)

    Tips to Shorten Calving Season

    These tips will shorten the season to boost uniformity, profit potential.

  • Georgia's Adam Graft feeds dairy cows and replacement heifers using a unique triticale-corn-corn system. (Becky Mills)

    Triple Cropping Can Provide Potential

    This cattle producer hedges his bets with a triple-cropping strategy.

  • (JDawnInk, Getty Images)

    Production Claims Steer Consumer Eating Experiences

    Consumers say beef labeled as locally grown tastes better.

  • Alan and Wendy Kelley are 20 years into a three-breed cross made up of Red Angus, Hereford and Brahman. (Becky Mills)

    Crossbreeding Cattle Creates a Winning Formula

    Red Angus-Hereford-Brahman cattle are a winning formula for this rancher.