Canada Markets

CGC Data Shows Expanded Customer List

Cliff Jamieson
By  Cliff Jamieson , Canadian Grains Analyst
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The blue bars represent the number of countries Canada has exported grain to in the first six months of 2022-23 which is compared to 2021-22 (brown bars), as reported by the CGC and reported against the primary vertical axis. The black line with markers represents the year-over-year percent change in volume exported through licensed facilities, while plotted against the secondary vertical axis. (DTN graphic by Cliff Jamieson)

The Canadian Grain Commission's January Exports of Canadian Grain and Wheat Flour report, which tracks exports through licensed facilities, highlights a year-over-year increase in export volumes as well as an expanded list of countries grain has been shipped to in the August through January period. This varies from crop to crop, as seen with the select crops shown on the attached graphic.

As an example, the CGC data shows the year-over-year change in licensed exports of wheat at 68.7% as of the end of January, while this involves shipping to 52 countries reported by the CGC, up from 33 over the same period of 2021-22. This is by far the largest year-over-year increase seen for the crops shown.

Of the 52 countries shipped wheat over this six-month period, only 14 destinations have seen a year-over-year decline in the volume shipped, while exports have expanded over the balance of these countries. In addition, the volume shipped to the largest destinations has surged higher, with the volume shipped to China up 253% and the volume to Indonesia up 61%.

Of the remaining crops shown on the graphic, durum exports through licensed facilities are up 108.8% from the same period in 2021-22, canola is up 26.9%, soybeans up 14.9%, peas up 51.8%, corn up 20.7% and lentil exports are up 93.6%, which includes movement through bulk facilities only.

Over the same period, the number of countries shipped durum has increased by six, the number of countries shipped peas has increased by three and the number of countries shipped lentils has increased by one.

The number of countries shipped soybeans has fallen by two and the number of countries shipped corn has fallen by two from the same period in 2021-22.

Despite a 26.9% increase in the canola volume reported as exports in the first six months, the number of countries reported by the CGC to be shipped canola over this period of the crop year is steady at 10. Of these 10 nations, only four have seen exports increase year over year, largely due to a 181% increase in volumes shipped to China, where the 2.2793 mmt shipped to China accounts for 52.4% of all exports, limiting availability for competing nations.

Cliff Jamieson can be reached at

Follow him on Twitter @Cliff Jamieson


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