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  • Per-Acre Prices (Progressive Farmer)


    Landwatch Recent Farmland Sales

  • Cover crops keep the soil on the Myers Family Farm healthy and armored against erosion. (Joel Reichenberger)

    Grower Keeps Soils Green With Cover Crops

    Joel Myers saw the destruction erosion brought to the family's farm. As a farmer and retired NRCS state agronomist, he practices what he preaches by using no-till and cover crops to protect the soil nearly year-round to build soil health.

  • Bluebonnets and little bluestem grass flourish as Mark and Cheryl Brown continue to establish native species on their Texas ranch. (Chase Fountain, TPWD)

    Habitat Management Restores Grassland Ecological Diversity

    Long-term project restores grassland's natural habitat and ecological diversity.

  • Per Acre Prices (Progressive Farmer)


    Landwatch Recent Farmland Sales

  • Per Acre Prices (Progressive Farmer)


    Landwatch Recent Farmland Sales

  • Seth Watkins wants to return intensively farmed ground back to a prairie system. (Joseph L. Murphy)

    Regenerative Practices Restore Soil Health and Profits

    Depleted by years of crop production, farmer transitions to regenerative practices to restore soil health and returns.

  • Per Acre Prices (Progressive Farmer)


    Landwatch Recent Farmland Sales

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