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Take the Survey on Which Weeds Top Your List of Most Unwanted
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (DTN) -- What weeds irritate your irrigation, plague your ponds or rile your rights of way? The nation's weed scientists want to know.
Once again, the national and regional weed science societies are asking farmers and other landowners to identify the weeds they most commonly see -- as well as those that are most troublesome and difficult to control. This year's survey is focused on weeds in aquatic and non-crop areas in the United States and Canada. The survey areas include:
-- Aquatic: irrigation, flood control
-- Aquatic: lakes, reservoirs, rivers
-- Aquatic: ponds
-- Forestry
-- Natural Areas: parks, wildlife refuges
-- Ornamentals: field nursery crops, outdoor containers, Christmas trees
-- Rights of Way: railways, roads, public utilities
Lee Van Wychen, executive director of science policy for the Weed Science Society of America, said the current surveys began in 2015, examining weeds in 26 different crop, non-crop, aquatic and natural areas. The goal of the effort is twofold: In addition to allowing weed populations to be tracked over time, it also provides a reference source for weed scientists to support research on the most common and troublesome weeds. He said the information is used by policymakers, federal agencies, crop scouts, land managers and, of course, weed scientists.
"This survey is on a three-year rotation," Van Wychen said. "This year, we are surveying weeds in aquatic systems and non-agricultural lands. Next year, we will survey weeds in broadleaf crops, fruits and vegetables. Then in 2026, we will again survey weeds in grass crops, pasture and turf."
The weed survey for aquatic and non-crop areas was last conducted in 2021. In the three aquatic area types, pondweed species, watermilfoil species and hydrilla were both the most common and troublesome weeds. In the four non-crop area types, Canada thistle took the top spot on the most common weed list and most troublesome list.
Survey data and a summary of each survey since 2015 can be found here:…
The survey, which can be taken anonymously, can be accessed here:…
The deadline is Labor Day, Sept. 2.
When listing weeds, please be as specific as possible by using the Latin name for each species. A searchable list of weeds can be found here:…. The survey can be completed multiple times for different aquatic and non-crop areas.
Anyone with questions about the survey can contact Van Wychen at
Jason Jenkins can be reached at
Follow him on social platform X @JasonJenkinsDTN
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