26 States Spend $350M on Census

26 States Spend $350M on Census

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- With less than a month and a half remaining until the new year begins, most states have put together what's known as a "complete count committee" that organizes efforts statewide to get people to participate in the 2020 Census.

However, a handful of states — Florida, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Dakota and Texas — are lacking these state-sponsored committees.

More than half of the states have backed up their 2020 Census outreach efforts with money. Here's a list of the 26 states that have allocated almost $350 million for outreach for the decennial census, the amount they're appropriating and how much that breaks down per resident.

The decennial census will help determine the allocation of $1.5 trillion of federal dollars and how many congressional seats each state gets:

Alabama, $1.2 million, $0.25

Alaska, $600,000, $0.81

California, $187 million, $4.73

Colorado, $6 million, $1.05

Connecticut, $500,000, $0.14

Georgia, $3.7 million, $0.36

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Hawaii$750,000, $0.53

Illinois$30.5 million, $2.39

Maryland, $5 million, $0.83

Massachusetts, $325,000, $0.05

Michigan, $500,000, $0.05

Minnesota, $2.2 million, $0.39

Montana, $100,000, $0.09

Nevada, $5 million, $1.65

New Jersey, $9 million, $1.01

New Mexico, $3.5 million, $1.67

New York, $60 million, $3.07

North Carolina(asterisk), $1.5 million, $0.14

North Dakota, $1 million, $1.32

Oregon, $7.7 million, $1.84

Pennsylvania, $4 million, $0.31

Rhode Island, $500,000, $0.47

Utah, $1 million, $0.32

Virginia, $1.5 million, $0.18

Washington, $15.5 million, $2.05

Wisconsin, $1 million, $0.17


(asterisk)North Carolina's funding is pending


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