Top 5 Things to Watch

Field Progress, Frost Watch and Cattle on Feed

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OMAHA (DTN) -- Here are the Top 5 things the DTN Newsroom is tracking for the week of April 16. Watch for coverage of these and other topics through the week on our subscription platforms as well as on

1. Frosty week: Weather models took a turn to the colder side as the weekend approached. DTN Ag Meteorologist John Baranick is watching to see if the trend continues through the week. This could bring frost to hard red winter areas, but unlikely be cold enough or long enough to cause much further damage. And, while planters have begun to move, it's also unlikely that there are too many emerged plants in the path of any significant frosts. Early planted gardens might benefit from some cover, however, on species prone to frost damage. Follow the latest in Ag Weather Forum blog, here:….

2. Fertilizer trending lower: Our DTN Staff Reporter Russ Quinn, who keeps a close eye on the fertilizer beat, has been documenting the downtrend in fertilizer prices -- and has noted anhydrous prices getting close to that $1,000 level. He'll report where prices landed the previous week; watch for his DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends column Tuesday.

3. Dairy disaster: We've been reporting on the terrible fire and cattle deaths at the dairy in Dimmit, Texas. Progressive Farmer Senior Editor Victoria Myers will continue following the saga to see if there are lessons to be learned for other large animal units. See Myers' original reporting on the incident here:….

4. Market news on our radar: DTN analysts will watch several market-moving actions through the week, especially the ongoing saga of the Black Sea grain deal. We'll have the USDA weekly export inspections at 10 a.m. CDT Monday, with soybean crush numbers from the National Oilseeds Processors Association later Monday morning. Also on Monday, at 3 p.m. CDT, USDA's Crop Progress and Livestock, Dairy and Poultry reports will be out. It will be interesting to see how planting progressed with the warmer weather the week of April 9.

5. Latest cattle call: Friday will see the USDA Cattle on Feed report, due out around 3 p.m. CDT. Watch for preview thoughts ahead of that, and DTN Livestock Analyst ShayLe Stewart's thoughts on the report soon after its release.

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