Handy Devices

Easy-to-build ideas make your work easier.

Dan Miller
By  Dan Miller , Progressive Farmer Senior Editor
Cow panels can be used to surround young fruit trees.(Progressive Farmer image by Ralph A. Mark Jr.)

CIRCLE THE PROBLEM (Editor's Choice):

Thomas Simpkins, Hiwassee, Virginia, had a problem with deer destroying his young fruit trees. He found a fix. He formed rings around each of his fruit trees with 16-foot cow panels. He closed the ends of the rings with lengths of wire. Each ring was held in place with two T-posts. Deer won't jump up and over into the compact area, and the diameter of the ring is large enough to keep the deer from reaching the trees through the wire.


You might wonder why Frances Henshaw, Church Road, Virginia, has a boat paddle inserted through the front of his ATV. We did. It's not to use in case of high water. But, it does represent a bit of genius that solves a pretty disconcerting problem while riding through the woods. The problem? Spiders and spider webs. Now, when he rides his ATV through the woods, the paddle swats them aside before they tangle all over his face.


As another winter approaches, James Ashmore, Livingston, Wisconsin, sent an idea that reduces the time it takes to move snow around his farm. He uses an old bale chute from a New Holland baler to create a wing for his loader bucket. The wing is 4 feet long, 19 inches tall and has bent edges on top and bottom. He strengthened the chute with a length of angle iron attached to the top, back side of the wing. Ashmore attaches the wing to the bucket with a triangular-shaped frame.

WINNING IDEAS: Win $400 if your idea is chosen as the month's "Editor's Choice" Handy Device. Win $200 for other ideas used on this page. To submit a Handy Device, please send clear photographs, detailed drawings and a complete explanation of your idea. With each entry, include your name, address and telephone number. Send Handy Device entries to Progressive Farmer, 2204 Lakeshore Dr., Suite 415, Birmingham, AL 35209. Sorry, but we cannot acknowledge submissions or return photographs, drawings or documentation.


Dan Miller