
September 2024 Recent Farmland Sales

Katie Micik Dehlinger
By  Katie Micik Dehlinger , Farm Business Editor
Per Acre Prices (Progressive Farmer)

ILLINOIS, Bureau and Stark Counties. A portfolio of 905 acres was offered in 13 tracts in an online auction, and all but one tract sold. The $12.4-million sale averaged $13,702 per acre. Eight of the tracts were contiguous or nearly so, and were composed of Class A soils. Those tracts sold for $15,500 to $17,200 per acre. Contact: Isaac Taber or Brandt Henness, Sullivan Auctioneers;, 844-847-2161;…

Winnebago County. A highly productive 60-acre farm sold for $1.5 million, or $25,000 per acre. While the property has a productivity index of 99.7, it's also located next to an Interstate 39 exit and across the street from a FedEx facility. Contact: Josh Waddell, Martin, Goodrich and Waddell;, 815-756-3606;…

INDIANA, Fulton County. In early June, a 472-acre farm sold in an online auction for $6 million, or $12,712 per acre. The sale was divided into five tracts ranging from 52 to 137 acres. With a variety of silty and sandy loam soils, the farm's weighted average productivity index (WAPI) for corn was 146, while soybeans average 46.9. Contact: Larry Jordan or AJ Jordan, Halderman Real Estate and Farm Management;,, 800-424-2324;…

IOWA, Dallas County. Four tracts of farmland totaling 385 acres sold in a hybrid auction for $5.15 million, or $13,377 per acre. Three of the four tracts carried a CSR2 score of 86 or higher, and buyers paid $14,000 per acre or more for those farms. The remaining farm, with a CSR2 of 8, sold for $10,700 per acre. Contact: Chris Smith, Hertz Real Estate Services;, 515-382-7950,…

KANSAS, Rooks County. A 135-acre farm sold at auction for $378,000, or $2,800 per acre. Base acres for the two adjacent tracts are split between wheat and grain sorghum, and the farm contains Harney silt loam, Uly silt loam and Penden loam soils. Contact: Donald Hazlett, Farm and Ranch Realty Inc.;, 800-247-7863;…

LOUISIANA, Catahoula Parish. A 4,462-acre farm with 4,071 tillable acres sold for $22 million, or $4,931 per total acre. The farm has 33% Class I silt loam soils, with the remainder being a mixture of Sharkey, Tensas and Moreland clay. The farm has a history of cotton, corn, soybeans and wheat. Contact: Carroll Fields, BrokerSouth Ag;, 318-348-0481;…

MINNESOTA, Lyon County. Two tracts of highly productive farmland totaling 133 acres sold at public auction for $1.83 million, or an average of $13,759 per acre. The first tract, at 63.5 acres, had the higher soil rating and was purchased for $15,300 per acre. The second tract, at 70.4 acres, sold for $12,200 per acre. Contact: Andy Frank, Steffes Group Inc.;, 800-451-7087;…

SOUTH DAKOTA, Haakon and Stanley Counties. A farm with 26,206 contiguous acres, of which 22,972 are tillable, sold in a private sale for $31 million, or $1,183 per total acre and $1,350 per tillable acre. The farm has a full set of buildings, 1.5 million bushels of grain storage capacity and a private elevator with rail-loading access. The farm has a history of wheat, sunflower, corn and milo production. Contact: Rob Woodrow, Farmland Solutions LLC;, 217-496-3500;…


-- These sales figures are provided by the sources and may not be exact because of rounding.

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