Ask the Mechanic

Create Magnetism

(Steve Thompson)

READER: When trying to start a screw in tight places like a distributor cap or magneto, I have a hard time getting the screw started without it dropping down inside the machine. I just wondered if you had any ideas on how to hold the screw when fishing it in a tight area on the end of the screwdriver. I had a magnet screwdriver, but every time I need it, I can't find it.

STEVE: Until you find your magnet or clip screwdriver, what you can do is what I do when I can't find my magnet or clip screwdriver. I just set a screwdriver on top of a magnet, which turns the screwdriver into a magnet screwdriver. Neat.


-- Write Steve Thompson at Ask The Mechanic, 2204 Lakeshore Dr., Suite 415, Birmingham, AL 35209, or email, and be sure to include your phone number.


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