
April 2020 Recent Farmland Sales

Per-Acre Prices (Progressive Farmer image by Progressive Farmer)

ARKANSAS, Cross County. Farmland totaling 934 acres sold for $3.9 million. This property was 919 acres of cropland, irrigated with four wells and has a large rice base. It is just south of Earle and has a crop history of rice with a soybean rotation. Average price per acre was $4,175. Contact: Cole Fields, BrokerSouth Ag;; 318-512-5325;

COLORADO, Kit Carson County. Irrigated and dry cropland totaling 2,225 acres sold at public auction for $3.48 million. The property was auctioned in eight tracts, with average per-acre prices ranging from $1,100 to $3,800. The higher prices were for irrigated land. Average price across the property was $1,565 per acre. All buyers received 100% of the growing crop on purchased tracts but no mineral rights. Contact: Virgil George, Rocking X Land Co.;; 719-346-5420;

ILLINOIS, Douglas County. Farmland totaling 196 acres sold for $1.87 million at auction. The property was offered in two tracts and included 183 tillable acres and 3 acres of CRP ground. Drainage tile had been installed in 2016, and two grain bins were on-site, allowing for a total of 17,000 bushels of storage space. The soil PI averaged 132. Multiple bidders were on hand for the sale, with a local investor buying the property. Average price paid per acre was $9,566. Contact: Kenny Schum, MWA Auctions and Real Estate;; 217-398-6400;

McDonough County. Land totaling 163 acres sold at auction for about $769,957. The land was offered in two tracts: the first almost all tillable, the second recreational and CRP. The mostly tillable tract, 91 acres, brought an average of $6,703 per acre. The recreational tract, 72 acres, brought $2,222 per acre. Average across the property was $4,724. Contact: Kenny Schum, MWA Auctions and Real Estate;; 217-398-6400;

KANSAS, Gove County. Two tracts of farmland totaling 320 acres sold at auction for $515,000. Average price per acre ranged from $1,550 to $1,700, with an average across the whole property of $1,609. The farm included cropland with wheat and corn bases, and grassland. Noted improvements were one well, two 6,000-bushel grain bins and two machinery sheds. Contact: Neal Mann, Farm and Ranch Realty Inc.;; 800-247-7863;

KENTUCKY, Webster County. Three noncontiguous tracts totaling 199.5 acres sold at absolute auction for $486,550. Average per-acre price was $2,439. The property included a combination of marketable timber, cropland, woods and hunting and fishing area. It sold to area farmers and investors. Contact: Bill Kurtz, Kurtz Auction and Realty;; 270-926-8553;

LOUISIANA, Richland Parish. A 74-acre parcel of cropland sold for $349,200. The property was 72 acres of precision-leveled cropland, irrigated with one irrigation well. It was Rilla silt loam Class I soil and had a history of cotton, corn and soybean production. Average price per acre was $4,719. Contact: Carroll Fields, BrokerSouth Ag;; 318-348-0481;

NORTH DAKOTA, Stark County. Property totaling 650.49 acres sold at auction for $1.3 million. Average prices per acre ranged from $1,500 to $2,850, with an average across the entire property of $1,999 per acre. The land, described as scenic pasture, CRP and cropland, sold in five tracts. Combined, Parcels 1 and 2 held 157.3 base acres in wheat, with 44-bushel yields. Contact: Kevin Pifer, or Steve Miller,; 877-700-4099;

> These sales figures are provided by the sources and may not be exact because of rounding.

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