Our Rural Roots

Visit My Farmhouse

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My kitchen takes a beating during the busy season. All right, let’s be honest, it actually takes a beating year-round. It is truly the hub of this farmhouse.

It is where everyone kicks off his or her dirty boots. It has served as sick quarters for nursing newborn calves and piglets back to health. There is always livestock medication in the refrigerator and most likely a bag of milk replacer in the corner. Yes, that’s a calf bottle under the sink and livestock syringes on the counter.

But, my kitchen also holds a farmhouse table that will seat at least a dozen or more because everyone is always welcome. Nearby, my maternal great-grandma’s Hoosier cabinet is stuffed full of old cookbooks. Handwritten family recipes from at least three generations cover the backsplash.

There are stories here if you listen. There’s my cheering when a sick calf peed on the floor, which meant it had finally turned the corner and was getting nutrition. There are times when I’ve slunk to that same floor and cried from the sheer exhaustion of tending stock and caring for, well … everything.

More often than not, I wish my kitchen could be pressure-washer friendly. I’ve often wondered if we should have installed a slatted floor with a pit underneath when we remodeled. Let’s don’t stop there--could we equip it with a flush system for easy cleaning?

There’s no need to attempt a country decorating look--we’ve got the real thing, and there’s no place I would rather see my family gathered. I’m happiest when we are seated around that big kitchen table eating, laughing and loving life on our farm.

So, the dishes may be dirty and finding a clean glass a chore, but only company will take notice. Friends accept you just the way you are.

Jennifer (Jent) Campbell writes a blog called Farm Wife Feeds (farmwifefeeds.com). Follow her on Twitter @plowwife and on the podcast @girlstalkag.


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