Sterile Flies Help With NWS Prevention
USDA's APHIS is working with Mexican animal health officials to release sterile male New World screwworm flies in Mexico to help support a biological barrier and stop the spread of the pest farther north.
USDA's APHIS is working with Mexican animal health officials to release sterile male New World screwworm flies in Mexico to help support a biological barrier and stop the spread of the pest farther north.
Knowing what kind of cow will best survive the elements in northeast New Mexico is what makes this ranch successful and makes their cattle in demand by customers.
Consult with your herd veterinarian, who can help custom design the best program for your operation and ensure any bulls banded are well-protected from tetanus.
The recent USDA Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Outlook shows a continuation of a small beef herd, disease pressure in the poultry flocks and an increase in pork production from the previous year.
Not knowing how much a bale weighs could cost a buyer both money and tons of hay. If it's not possible to weigh the bales, there is a way to estimate how much a bale weighs, according to one forage extension specialist.
A second case of New World screwworm was found recently in southern Mexico. However, USDA's APHIS officials say imports will continue to follow set protocol before crossing the border.
Deadlines are approaching for USDA programs aiding livestock producers for disaster losses in 2024.
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