New Mexico Ranch Shares View From Range
Multi-generational Cattle Ranch Open Doors to Share Production Views
REDFIELD, Iowa (DTN) -- Soon DTN will launch its second year of our special View From the Range series: For 2025, we selected to follow a multi-generational ranch -- Copeland & Sons Herefords, from Nara Visa, New Mexico.
Through the year we'll follow all aspects of a cattle operation, from calving to weaning and branding to showing. This includes a closer look at how the family works together to make their operation successful as the next generation grows into future responsibilities.
The ranch is run by Cliff and Pat Copeland, along with son Matt, his wife Alyssa and their daughters, Cally and Kinley. Cliff's mother, Barbara, still enjoys being at the ranch as well.
Copeland & Sons Herefords was established in 1943 by Cliff's grandparents and great-grandparents as a commercial Hereford operation and has now moved to a combination registered and commercial Hereford herd, as well as producing F1 black baldy replacement heifers. They have also established a Maine-Anjou and club calf herd.
The ranch is located in northeast New Mexico at 4,500-feet elevation. They can see drought and high temperatures in the summer, but when they receive adequate moisture, grass will be plentiful and help cattle perform. Winters include chilling weather and snow, along with wind.
Traditional ranching is seen here as cattle work is done by horseback. They use both roping and dragging, and a branding table when working calves.
Cattle are raised to fit their environment. They have an annual bull sale and online female and club calf sales. The family also enjoys exhibiting cattle at major stock shows as well as selling calves to junior showman.
You might see various members of the family serving as judges at shows across the country and both Matt and Alyssa have been named Hereford Herdsman of the Year.
This year's View From the Range will show all aspects of this cattle operation which is highly thought of across the country. Follow along as the Copelands raise cattle and the sixth generation of their family on their New Mexico ranch.
Jennifer Carrico can be reached at
Follow her on social platform X @JennCattleGal
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