Our Rural Roots

The Dog Days of January

Blogger Jennifer Campbell naps with her loyal companions during a lazy, wintry day on the family farm. (Photo by Chris Campbell)

January hits different when you're a dog living on a farm. To be clear, I don't have working farm dogs. What I have is a lazy beagle who firmly believes the couch is his birthright and a timid blue heeler who prefers belly rubs over herding cattle. I also run a doggy daycare for my middle daughter's hyper beagle and her rescued, sweet-as-cupcake beagle/Great Dane cross (aka mutt).

And, while not even one of them is a working farm dog, they do spend their days patrolling the yard and barn lot, watching the action and waiting for our quitting time.

But, when the hustle of planting and harvesting is a distant memory, and the buzz of tractors, trucks and semis in and out the barn lot fades, it's the kind of silence only winter can bring. January requires no clocking in for daily watch shifts or guarding the yard to keep tabs on the comings and goings. Instead of waiting for us to come in at night, their job most days becomes finding an inviting spot on the couch.

January brings deep, soul-restoring stretches of sleep and not just quick snoozes. The dogs soak up the extra time we spend at home, and I'm happy to indulge them in a cozy group nap. This month is their time to perfect their favorite skill. Whether sprawled on the furniture with noses tucked under paws or curled up beside me, they've truly mastered the art of relaxation.

And, honestly, couldn't we all learn something from their ability to gear down? The dogs remind me that life doesn't always have to be a relentless chase after productivity. We have already started preparing for next year's crop, and we aren't going to forget tax season. So, if Oliver, Harriett, Winston and Hank want me to take a nap, I'm not saying no.


Jennifer (Jent) Campbell tends a menagerie of critters and people on a seventh-generation Indiana family farm. She also writes a blog called Farm Wife Feeds (https://farmwifefeeds.com/…). Follow her on social platform X @plowwife and on her @girlstalkag podcast.