Ask the Mechanic

Strange Oil Leak

(Steve Thompson)

READER: I have a 4600 John Deere front-wheel assist tractor that has developed an oil leak on the front-wheel drive. Oil runs out and down the inside of the wheel, and down the tire. I have had to add oil occasionally, but now, it has become a bad leak and stained my shop floor. I can't tell where the leak is coming from, but I need to fix it, because I use this tractor to put out round bales. Can you tell me what could be causing this leak?

STEVE: Tractors with front-wheel assist put a lot of stress on the oil seals because of all the load, twisting and turning, as well as the side load. I don't know how many hours are on the tractor, but if the tractor has been used for round bale handling, it is very possible that some twine or net wrap got under the seal, or the seal is just worn out.

The small, lugged tires on the front of your tractor like to grab twine or net wrap, and roll it directly under the seal. You can't see the seal, because it is in the hub. The photo accompanying this article shows a tractor like yours in my shop that had an oil leak caused by twine and net wrap. You will need a new seal to fix the problem.


-- Email Steve Thompson at, and be sure to include your contact information and phone number.
