USDA Cattle on Feed Report Preview

May 1 Cattle on Feed Report Could Show Total On-Feed Numbers Lower, Marketings Up

ShayLe Stewart
By  ShayLe Stewart , DTN Livestock Analyst
USDA will release its May 1 Cattle on Feed report on Friday. (DTN/Progressive Farmer file photo)

OMAHA (DTN) -- Friday's May 1 Cattle on Feed report will be one worth combing through as the report is expected to differ from months past with total on-feed numbers potentially lighter than a year ago and marketings up dramatically.

The cash cattle market has traded anywhere from 83,000 to 93,000 head in each of the last four weeks, which aligns with the data presented and shares a bullish outlook for the industry heading into summer. Placements are also expected to be lower than a year ago, with a big range estimating placements anywhere from 86.5% to 98.0% of a year ago. At this point, it's no surprise to anyone that feeder cattle supplies are limited and that placements could be lighter.

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Needless to say, Friday's May 1 Cattle on Feed report will be worth paying attention to as all three of the categories could present changes.


USDA will release its May 1 Cattle on Feed report at 2 p.m. CDT on Friday.

USDA Actual Average Estimate Range
On Feed May 1 99.1% 97.9-99.9%
Placed in April 93.3% 86.5-98.0%
Marketed in April 109.5% 104.6-110.7%

ShayLe Stewart can be reached at

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ShayLe Stewart