Our Rural Roots

Nourishing Seeds of Health

Meredith Bernard continues her journey to be stronger and healthier, physically, mentally and spiritually. (Austin Bernard)

Three months into a new year, and for the most part, the "New Year, New You" ads have started to wane from our screens. Maybe you jumped on board. Maybe you thought about it but lost the desire. Adopting a "New Year, Same Me" motto can be as tempting as leftover sweets or a few extra pats of butter.

This year, I resolved to continue a journey I began last year -- not to be a new me but to be the best me. A stronger me. A healthier me, in body and mind. A me with deeper faith. A me that is finding strength she didn't know she had in the hopes of being here to see many more cold, windy Marches fighting her own way to usher in the rebirth of spring.

Losing my mother way too soon planted a seed that has grown for many years telling me I'd never make it past 50, either. Maybe I won't. But, I'm just stubborn enough to do everything in my power to see if I can. And, the one thing that got me started and keeps me going is a very strong WHY. We all need one. That thing that gets us out of bed every morning. The thing that pushes us to make today better than yesterday. The thing that makes all the hard worthwhile, because the result will easily be worth it.

My "why" is rooted in being here to see my children walk down the aisle, rock my babies' babies to sleep and be healthy through it all. So, I've decided to control what I can. I'm working out. Eating better. Finding the best ways to fuel my body for the long haul -- however long that is.

I believe it's never too late to start anything that we believe in, and starting to believe in me is the best first step. Here's to not only finding our "why" but living into it, today and the rest of our days.


-- Meredith Bernard can be found working out and working on her "why" while writing and tending to farm and family from North Carolina. Follow her on social media @thisfarmwife and visit her website at https://thisfarmwife.com/…


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