
February 2022 Recent Farmland Sales

Per-Acre Prices (Progressive Farmer)

IOWA, Carroll County. A 148.65-acre farm sold at auction for $1.78 million, or $11,974 per acre. The farm included CRP income and was described as having tillable, productive soils. Contact: Jason Smith, DreamDirt Farm Real Estate and Auction;; 515-537-6633;

Jackson County. A single tract of farmland totaling 75 acres sold at live auction for $1.49 million, or $19,867 per acre. The land had good access and was a two-time champion and five-time district champion of the Iowa Corn Growers Yield Contest. It was purchased by a farmer/investor. Contact: Chuck Schwager, East Iowa Real Estate;; 563-599-4277;

KANSAS, Logan County. Cropland and grass totaling 2,200 acres sold in six tracts for $4.74 million. Average prices for tracts ranged from $725 to $3,200 per acre. Average price across the whole was $2,155 per acre. Cropland made up 1,205 acres of the total and included bases in wheat, grain sorghum and corn. Grassland acres made up the balance of the property. Contact: Donald Hazlett, Farm and Ranch Realty Inc.;; 800-247-7863;

Washington County. Highly productive, mostly irrigated farmland totaling 1,934.6 acres sold at auction for $10.59 million. The property sold in five tracts through absolute auction for an average of $5,474 per acre. Three tracts went to a local farmer, the other two to investors. The operation was equipped with an indoor 1,000-head cattle confinement facility built in 2019 and a 1,000- to 2,000-head hog confinement facility under yearly lease. Contact: Steve Shaffer, Ranch and Farm Auctions LLC,; 785-738-0037;

LOUISIANA, Caddo Parish. Historic Egypt Plantation totaling 1,058 acres sold for $3.5 million, or $3,308 per acre. The operation dates back to the 1870s and is made up of sandy loam soils suitable for cotton, corn, soybeans, wheat or other crops. Cotton yields averaged more than 2 bales per acre in 2021. Of the total, 860 acres were in cotton, corn and soybean bases. Contact: Jim Rolfe, Brown Realty Co.;; 318-376-5576;

NEBRASKA, Madison County. Three farmland tracts totaling 535 acres sold at auction for $5.82 million. Tract 1, irrigated, sold for $11,150 per acre. Tract 2, irrigated, sold for $11,650 per acre. Tract 3, all dryland, sold for $9,150 per acre. Average across all three tracts was $10,878 per acre. The farm held bases in corn and soybeans. The property included a wind development easement contract paying $7 per acre through the end of 2023. Contact: Andrew Stech, United Farm and Ranch Management;; 402-649-8744;

NORTH DAKOTA, Dickey County. A large farmland auction of 801 acres, with almost all cropland, sold for $5.31 million, or $6,629 per acre. The property sold in three parcels, ranging in average price from $4,740 to $7,200 per acre. Each parcel had a perpetual U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wetland easement on a portion thereof. The farm held bases in corn and soybeans, totaling about 770 acres. Contact: Kevin Pifer,; or Bob Pifer,; Pifer's Land Auctions; 877-477-3105;


-- These sales figures are provided by the sources and may not be exact because of rounding.

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