
Spray Flexibility

Matt Wilde
By  Matthew Wilde , Progressive Farmer Crops Editor
(Provided by Corteva Agriscience)

A familiar corn herbicide has been revamped for improved crop safety and to give farmers more application flexibility. Extreme weather events that often keep farmers out of fields at the wrong time were, in part, the catalyst for the improvements.

Corteva Agriscience unveiled Resicore XL during its recent "Future of Farming" media day at the company's research facility and Pioneer headquarters, in Johnston, Iowa. It's a new and improved version of Resicore, a preplant and preemergence or postemergence herbicide, which is billed to control more than 75 broadleaf and grass weeds, including waterhemp and Palmer amaranth.

Resicore XL, like its namesake, has three modes of action to kill weeds: acetochlor (Group 15), mesotrione (Group 27) and clopyralid (Group 4). Here's how Resicore XL was improved:

-- It can be applied on corn greater than 11 inches tall, up from a maximum height of 11 inches, which will expand the postemergence application window of the product.

-- Acetochlor is now encapsulated to improve crop safety and help farmers achieve maximum yield potential.

-- It has greater tank-mix compatibility with micronutrients, urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) and ammonium thiosulfate (ATS). In addition, the solution will allow farmers the opportunity to customize their weed management with compatible products like atrazine, glyphosate and other corn herbicides.

"Volatile weather patterns across the U.S. are making it more and more difficult to get fields planted, sprayed and harvested," explains Brandon Walter, Corteva Agriscience U.S. product manager for corn. "Farmers are asking more from corn herbicides than ever before. Farmers are asking us for new solutions for the way they farm to maximize yield potential."

Resicore XL is expected to be available for the 2022 growing season pending EPA registration and approval, Walter explains.


-- To learn more about Resicore XL, visit

-- Follow the latest from Matthew Wilde, Crops Editor, by visiting the Production Blogs at or following him on Twitter @progressivwilde


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