Handy Devices

August 2021 Handy Devices

Dan Miller
By  Dan Miller , Progressive Farmer Senior Editor
Guide the Gooseneck (Ralph A. Mark Jr.)

GUIDE THE GOOSENECK (Editor's Choice):

Troubled by the work of hooking up his gooseneck trailer by himself, John Cornette, King George, Virginia, came up with a cheap and easy fix. He ran a bungee cord across the bed of his truck (from side to side) right over the point where the ball and the hitch meet. To line up the gooseneck with the ball, Cornette taped a "marker" onto the bungee cord directly above the ball.


Troy and Kyle Schweitzer, Broken Bow, Nebraska, have a way to slow erosion around their flood irrigation pipes. They lay down straw along the edge of the pipe to slow the water as it runs into the row.


Keith Wurtz, Ipswich, South Dakota, had 250-gallon minibulk storage tanks lying around his farm. He found they make great storage units. Wurtz cut the tops off the tanks to create sturdy storage for parts and seasonal items. He stacked them in his shop or outside. Wurtz put 3/4-inch plywood lids on the tanks, securing them to the tanks with used door hinges.


-- WINNING IDEAS: Win $400 if your idea is chosen as the month's "Editor's Choice" Handy Device. Win $200 for other ideas used on this page. To submit a Handy Device, please send clear photographs, detailed drawings and a complete explanation of your idea. With each entry, include your name, address and telephone number. Send Handy Device entries to Progressive Farmer Handy Devices, 2204 Lakeshore Dr., Suite 415, Birmingham, AL 35209. Sorry, but we cannot acknowledge submissions or return photographs, drawings or documentation.


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