Handy Devices

September 2020 Handy Devices

Feet for Posts (Progressive Farmer image by Ray E. Watkins Jr.)

FEET FOR POSTS (Editor's Choice):
The T-posts along the high spots of Doug Stange's fencelines were gradually being driven into the earth by the downward pressure of the fence wires. To solve the problem, the Ekalaka, Montana, farmer used the ends of his barbed wire rolls to make feet for the bottoms of the posts. He keeps the wire roll piece in place with a fence clip. The assembly keeps the T-posts from sinking any farther into the soil.

Mike Talbert Jr., New River, Virginia, uses a common adjustable jack stand that makes it easier for him to hook up his wagons.

Rayvee and Terry Harbison, Gardendale, Alabama, built a movable mineral feeder from a discarded hay rake frame. Two 55-gallon drum sections swing from cables. A topper keeps the minerals dry, and a fly-control back rubber hangs from the sides. The feeder pulls with a tongue and a hitch.

> WINNING IDEAS: Win $400 if your idea is chosen as the month's "Editor's Choice" Handy Device. Win $200 for other ideas used on this page. To submit a Handy Device, please send clear photographs, detailed drawings and a complete explanation of your idea. With each entry, include your name, address and telephone number. Send Handy Device entries to Progressive Farmer, 2204 Lakeshore Dr., Suite 415, Birmingham, AL 35209. Sorry, but we cannot acknowledge submissions or return photographs, drawings or documentation.


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