Progressive Agriculture Safety Days

Progressive Agriculture Safety Days June 2020

(Progressive Farmer image by Progressive Agriculture Foundation)

In 2019 alone, close to 500 adults were trained to serve as Progressive Agriculture Safety Day coordinators who are leading the crusade to build safer and healthier communities in the places they live, work and play. With the support of another 20,000 local volunteers serving in various roles, including planning committee members, presenters, group leaders and other on-site logistics, our program provided age-appropriate, hands-on safety education to nearly 80,000 youth participants between the ages of 4 and 13.

More than 121,000 hours of volunteer time was logged in 2019, which is valued at more than $3 million in support. However, to our program, a volunteer's time is PRICELESS.

Success Story:

"At the end of the day, we took a microphone and asked the kids what the favorite part of the Safety Day was. So many hands went up that we couldn't get to all the kids. They were so happy and so enthusiastic to go home and share what they learned. It was very heart-warming." -- Carrie Bergquist, Progressive Agriculture Safety Day Coordinator in Crookston, Minnesota

Connect With Us:

> Visit or call us at 888-257-3529 for a complete list of all upcoming 2020 Progressive Agriculture Safety Days or to see how you can host a Safety Day during 2021.

> Hurry! Applications to host a 2021 Progressive Agriculture Safety Day® are due by July 15. Visit to apply TODAY!


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