Progressive Agriculture Safety Days

National Poison Prevention Week

(Progressive Farmer image by Progressive Agriculture Foundation)

National Poison Prevention Week is taking place March 15-21, 2020. Help keep your family safe by adding the Poison Control Center telephone number (800-222-1222) to your telephone contact list in your cell phone, as well as in a place easy to locate in case of an emergency.

Sadly, every day in the United States, more than 300 children (ages 0 to 19) are treated in an emergency department (and two children die) as a result of being poisoned. It's not just chemicals in your home marked with clear warning labels that can be dangerous to children. Everyday items in your home, such as household cleaners and medicines, can be poisonous to children, as well. Medication dosing mistakes and unsupervised ingestions are common ways that children are poisoned. Active, curious children will often investigate and sometimes try to eat or drink anything they can easily get into.

National Poison Prevention Week reminds us that some of the deadliest and most dangerous items in our homes or on our farms are hiding in plain sight. Take a peek under your kitchen sink and in your laundry room or medicine cabinet. Household cleaning agents, prescription medications, pesticides and other items can pose serious hazards to the health and well-being of our families and even our pets. One of the hands-on activities offered at Progressive Agriculture Safety Days is for participants to identify and distinguish look-a-like poisons from other safe items.

Connect With Us:

> Visit or call us at 888-257-3529 for a complete list of all upcoming 2020 Progressive Agriculture Safety Days or to see how you can host a Safety Day during 2021.


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