Caution Needed When Operating ATV/UTVs

Extra Caution Needed When Operating ATV/UTVs in Winter Conditions

Russ Quinn
By  Russ Quinn , DTN Staff Reporter
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Those who operate all-terrain vehicles (ATV) or utility-terrain vehicles (UTV) should follow safety precautions, especially in the winter months. (DTN file photo)

OMAHA (DTN) -- All-terrain vehicles (ATV) and utility-terrain vehicles (UTV) are extremely useful on a farm or ranch. These machines can help producers become more efficient in both livestock and crop production.

However, ATVs/UTVs can also be dangerous if they are not operated in a safe manner. Operators can be severely injured and even killed while driving these vehicles.

Following basic safety advice can keep operators safe. This is especially true in the winter months when cold and snow can affect the operation of these vehicles.


The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) urges ATV/UTV riders to be especially mindful of potentially dangerous winter conditions when operating these machines: (…).

While aimed at recreational drivers, the Wisconsin DNR said operators should consider safety when driving these vehicles in the winter. Frost, ice and fresh snow can cause slippery conditions

ATVs/UTVs may have great traction in off-road conditions but these settings can change in the winter.

"Be extra careful, especially when slowing down and approaching turns," Lt. Warden Jacob Holsclaw said in the release. "Nothing stops fast on slippery pavement, and these machines do not handle the same as a car or a truck."

Another winter specific safety tip when operating ATV/UTVs is to not drive on ice at any time. Wisconsin DNR said warmer-than-usual winter temperatures can create hazardous ice conditions. Extra caution is necessary.

Other winter safety tips include dressing for the colder weather, do not travel in unfamiliar areas and let someone not riding with you know where you are going and when you will return.


The ATV Safety Institute (…) has eight golden rules when it comes to safely operating these machines. The rules are:

-- Always wear a department of transportation compliant helmet, goggles, long sleeves, long pants, over the ankle boots and gloves.

-- Never ride on paved roads except to cross when safe to do so and permitted by law -- another vehicle could hit you. ATVs are designed to be operated off-road.

-- Never ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

-- Never carry a passenger on a single-rider ATV, and no more than one passenger on an ATV specifically designed for two people.

-- Ride an ATV that's right for your age.

-- Supervise riders younger than 16; ATVs are not toys.

-- Ride only on designated trails and at a safe speed.

-- Take a hands-on ATV RiderCourse and the free online E-Course. Visit… or call (800) 887-2887.


While farmers and ranchers are not using ATVs/UTVs the same as people who ride them for recreation, ag producers also need to understand basic safety when operating these vehicles. Steve Freeman, a professor of agriculture and biosystems engineering at Iowa State University, said producers must pay attention to the terrain: (…).

"Riding an ATV takes experience," Freeman said. "The machine handles differently and therefore you should know how to properly shift your weight to turn the machine without rolling it. This is different than a car, so make sure you practice and gain experience before riding an ATV on rough terrain."

Freeman points out most ATV injuries happen with the youth population while they are riding for recreation. However, farmers and others who use these machines for work still need to pay attention to safety.


DTN has written about ATV/UTV safety several times over the years. Here are some of the more recent articles:

See, "Oklahoma ATV Youth Safety Class Created to Stop Accidents,"…

See, "Progressive Agriculture Safety Day Program,"…

See, "Think Safety When Using Liquid Tanks on ATV,"…

Russ Quinn can be reached at

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Russ Quinn