Handy Devices

Easy-to-build ideas make your work easier.

Nozzle Clog Beater (Progressive Farmer image by Ralph A. Mark Jr.)

BEAT THE CLOG (Editor's Choice):

To keep debris from clogging the nozzle of his pump sprayer, Claude Dalton, Gate City, Virginia, installed an in-line filter in the sprayer's hose.


William Orr lives outside Charlottesville, Virginia, along with many groundhogs. Their holes pose great hazard to his cattle and horses. But, setting 8-inch Conibear traps across their holes is difficult. Orr found a fix. He drilled one 1/4-inch hole into each handle of a shrubbery lopper. Each hole is about 6 inches down from the blades. He inserted a 3-inch bolt through each hole, leaving about 1 1/2 inches protruding from the insides of the handles. He hooks the loops of the trap's springs onto the protruding bolt ends to hold the trap in place. Then, he uses the torque created by the long handles to set the traps quickly and safely.


Annette Bredthauer, Belleville, Kansas, doesn't have trouble remembering which key fits which piece of equipment or lock. She color codes her keys by attaching them to ear tags -- one color for each type of equipment (tractors, pickups, utility vehicles, etc.) or secure structure (shed, shop, anhydrous, gates). She also labels each tag to identify the key's specific use.

WINNING IDEAS: Win $400 if your idea is chosen as the month's "Editor's Choice" Handy Device. Win $200 for other ideas used on this page. To submit a Handy Device, please send clear photographs, detailed drawings and a complete explanation of your idea. With each entry, include your name, address and telephone number. Send Handy Device entries to Progressive Farmer, 2204 Lakeshore Dr., Suite 415, Birmingham, AL 35209. Sorry, but we cannot acknowledge submissions or return photographs, drawings or documentation.


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