
New Dicamba Premix

Pamela Smith
By  Pamela Smith , Crops Technology Editor
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Image by Pamela Smith

A new dicamba herbicide premix from Syngenta offers a combination punch in the field but needs to be used earlier in the season than competing products.

Tavium combines a diglycolamine salt (DGA) (Group 4) dicamba, S-metolachlor (Group 15) and VaporGrip technology. It can be used preplant, at plant and early postemergence on Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans and Bollgard II XtendFlex cotton. The label prohibits use of Tavium in double-crop soybeans. In Canada, it is approved as a preemergence product only.

Tavium offers both contact and residual weed control, says Bobby Bachman, herbicide product lead for Syngenta. Company studies suggest it offers three weeks of residual control beyond the use of dicamba alone.

Tavium is registered in the U.S. to be applied through the V4 soybean growth stage and through the six-leaf growth stage in cotton. “The big thing we are striving for is getting the S-metolachlor to the soil surface, providing growers with good residual weed control,” Bachman says. “Dicamba is in there to provide contact control.”

Bachman explains Syngenta studies with Tavium indicate this formulation will behave much like the other dicamba products registered for use with regard to volatility. No AMS (ammonium sulfate) or UAN (urea-ammonium nitrate) products should be used, and tank mixtures should test above 5.0 pH.

Applicators are required to complete auxin training, follow labels and abide by additional state requirements. Approved tank mixes, nozzles and other management practices are available at

Weed populations with resistance to S-metolachlor have recently been identified in some states. Growers are encouraged to consider resistance as they plan a weed-control strategy.

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