Our Rural Roots

Celebrate Summer 'Wheatmas'

(Jennifer Campbell)

What is "Wheatmas" you might be asking? Is that even a real word?

If you follow me on socials or know me personally, then you know exactly what I am talking about. For me, Wheatmas is Christmas and wheat harvest combined. It is truly my favorite time of the year.

The miracle of planting a tiny seed in mid-October while all our other crops are mature and being harvested never fails to amaze me. I love watching it take root and survive winter to pull us out of the gray days with an early splash of green hope. Then, as corn and soybeans start to emerge in the spring to begin their life cycles, our winter wheat is maturing and getting ready for harvest, like it is showing us the promise of those crops, too.

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Just as our favorite December holiday conjures up images of tinsel and scents of pine, Wheatmas brings its own sensory experiences.

The sights: Picture a vivid blue Indiana sky dancing with pure white, cotton candy clouds. All around is a sea of green in hundreds of shades, except for patches of shimmering gold waving in the breeze.

The smells: I love to close my eyes and smell the thick, warm earthy scent of freshly cut wheat mingled with the summer smells of blooming wildflowers and growing grass.

The sounds: The steady hum of the combine reel and the pings of wheat berries falling into the hopper play a familiar tune. It's followed by little squeaks and the rhythmic sounds of balers working to gather straw. The pace is slower and more soothing than the rush-rush of corn or soybean harvest.

We have a very small wheat base, which allows me to relish and take in wheat harvest. As the world begins to flourish with the vibrant colors of summer, winter wheat delivers an important reminder that endurance and patience can turn into fields of gold worth celebrating.


-- Jennifer (Jent) Campbell celebrates wheat and a variety of other commodities from a seventh-generation Indiana family farm. She also writes a blog called Farm Wife Feeds (https://farmwifefeeds.com/…). Follow her on social platform X @plowwife and on the podcast @girlstalkag


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