7 Farmers Honored as Master Researchers

7 Iowa Farmers Honored as Master Researchers by Practical Farmers of Iowa

Susan Payne
By  Susan Payne , DTN Social Media and Young Farmer Editor
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Seven Iowa farmers and members of Practical Farmers of Iowa have been awarded the organization's highest honor, the Master Researcher Award. From left to right: Meg Schmidt, Dave Schmidt, Rob Faux, Jill Beebout, Jack Boyer and Dick Sloan. Not pictured is Tammy Faux. (Photo courtesy of Practical Farmers of Iowa)

OMAHA (DTN) -- Countless hours of conducting research, generosity in sharing knowledge and opening their farms to others have earned these seven Iowa farmers Practical Farmers of Iowa's (PFI) highest honor: Master Researcher.

The Master Researcher Award was established in 2013 to honor PFI members who have conducted at least 20 on-farm research trials through the organization's Cooperators' Program and hosted at least five field days.

"These members show the spirit of curiosity that drives PFI," said Stefan Gailans, PFI's senior research manager, in a news release. "Through their dedication to on-farm research and sharing what they learn, these farmers are not only improving their own farms but also helping others adopt science-based practices."

As one of PFI's highest honors, the award recognizes the time farmers have spent conducting research on a wide variety of topics, including field crops, horticulture, livestock and grazing, wildlife and habitat, and more.

Since 1987, over 300 farmers have conducted 1,723 research trials through the Cooperators' Program. This year, the Master Researcher Award recipients include:

-- Jill Beebout of Chariton, Iowa, who raises organic produce, hay and alpacas. Since 2008, she has conducted 20 trials on topics ranging from annual flower mixes to bee data collection.

-- Jack Boyer of Reinbeck, Iowa, who raises corn, seed corn, soybeans, cereal rye and cover crops. Since 2015, he has conducted 27 trials on topics such as cover crop termination to reduced nitrogen rates.

-- Rob and Tammy Faux of Tripoli, Iowa, who raise produce and poultry. Since 2009, they have conducted 22 trials ranging from duck breed comparison to summer lettuce varieties.

-- Dave and Meg Schmidt of Exira, Iowa, who raise cattle, pigs, sheep, chickens and keep honeybees. Since 2012, they have conducted 21 trials on grazing cover crops and soil health in grazed CRP land.

-- Dick Sloan of Rowley, Iowa, now retired from farming, formerly raised corn, soybeans and winter small grains for cover crop seed. Since 2013, Sloan has completed 22 trials ranging from green manure to interseeding rye with red clover.

Knowledge from these research projects has influenced both farmers and university researchers to better understand farming and farmer needs. The research is shared through reports, PFI's quarterly magazine, various ag magazines, at field days and workshops, PFI's annual conference, and its annual Cooperators' Meeting.

To learn more about the program, visit https://practicalfarmers.org/…

To view this PFIs library of farmer-led research, visit https://practicalfarmers.org/…


Farmers, landowners and friends of farmers interested in cover crops and small grains are invited to Practical Farmers of Iowa's third annual Midwest Cover and Grains Conference.

Eight farmer-led sessions will be held, giving attendees the opportunity for meaningful discussions and practical insights on extended rotations and cover crops.

The event takes place Wednesday, March 5, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Great Wolf Lodge in Baraboo, Wisconsin. Farmers from across the Midwest are invited to attend.

"Small grains and cover crops are gaining popularity across the Midwest, and it's exciting to see more farmers exploring their potential," said Taylor Hintch, PFI's senior field crops education coordinator, in a news release. "This conference is all about creating a place for farmers to learn directly from each other, so they can walk away with new ideas and tools to help their own farm thrive."

Full conference details and registration can be found here: practicalfarmers.org/midwest-covers-and-grains-conference

Susan Payne can be reached at susan.payne@dtn.com

Follow her on social platform X @jpusan

Susan Payne

Susan Payne
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